Who we are

Meet Justin

Hey, I am Justin and I have lived in Muskegon almost all of my life.  I was raised in and graduated from Fruitport where I played football and wrestled.  I first trusted in Jesus through the influence of my family, but my faith was tested and strengthened as I had a right eye injury when I was 3 and an illness in my left eye when I was 8.  My family and church helped me trust in God during this struggle.  Though I still have ongoing consequences from these eye struggles, I found hope and healing in Jesus during this deep hurt.  In him, I have found wholeness and a purpose.

Norton Shores is a….

            Hurting Community

                        With Hurting Families

                                    With Hurting Individuals


                                    TRANSFORMS INVIDUALS

                        Brings Hope to Families

            And Restores the Community


Having Jesus and many people care for me during this painful time in my early years made me passionate about helping those who are hurting.  God used this to call me into youth ministry, where I served hurting teenagers in Minnesota for four and half years and then for 11 years at here in Muskegon.  During that time, I have coached football and wrestling here at Mona Shores where my wife and two children have lived for 12 years.   I also worked with others to start mentoring programs at Fruitport and Orchard View to help hurting students.

I love Muskegon.  It is an amazing place to live and raise a family.  But my experience with youth ministry, coaching, and mentoring has shown me a difficult truth: this is a hurting community.  Muskegon has three times the national average of people living with trauma from their childhood.  In coaching, mentoring, and youth ministry, I witnessed families struggling.  I have had so many conversations and relationships where I have felt the pain that individuals are carrying.  This is right here.  Norton Shores is filled with hurting people.

Jesus brings hope and healing. Restore Church exists to help hurting people find hope and healing and ultimately wholeness in a new life with Jesus. 

Individuals can find hope and healing in Jesus.

Families can find renewed relationships with Jesus.

The community can find restoration in Jesus. 

This is why we are here!


Our Mission

Restore Church exists to make disciple makers


Gathering in Jesus

Growing in Him

Give His Love

Go into the World